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Why Should You Wear Dark Sunglasses After Cataract Surgery?


Mar 19,2024

By Woggles


There should be no doubt in admitting the fact that your vision is your most important sense. Many people experience cloudiness and difficulty in their vision, this problem is known as cataract.

In this condition, the patient faces difficulties like unable to see objects clearly, clouding of lens and obstructing the passage of light. The best solution for this particular problem is undergoing a medical surgery called cataract surgery.

Once you are done with the treatment, gradually you will get your eye strength back as previous. But during the recovery phase there is a possibility of your lens getting damaged again through sharp light and particles including dust and dirt.

In order to avoid these issues and ensure a better recovery, it is best to get yourself a pair of dark sunglasses.

But here arises the next question, which sunglasses for after cataract surgery are the best? Well, that is why we have created this blog! Be with us throughout the end to get answers for all your queries.

Which Sunglasses Should You Buy Post Cataract Surgery?

Sunglasses for after cataract surgery

Once you are done with your cataract surgery, you need to be taking proper rest and not putting much pressure on your eyes. During the recovery phase, even the slightest trike of intense light and dust particles can make your condition worse. That is why you need a quality pair of dark sunglasses to restrict the bright light from entering into your eyes.

Sunglasses having a dark tint also help you to heal your eye problem and adjust the newly applied lens. Additionally, it also protects your eyes from UV rays and foreign elements.

If you are planning to buy dark sunglasses online then you can choose one of the following options available at the Woggles shopping store -

Cataract surgery sunglasses


  1. Which is the best platform to buy cataract surgery sunglasses?
  2. You can buy the best quality dark-tinted sunglasses suitable for recovery after the cataract surgery at Woggles online store. Here you will find a variety of options in different shapes and prints with the best pieces ever.

  3. How long do I need to wear dark glasses outside after cataract surgery?
  4. Generally, there is no fixed period that is guided to the patient, it purely depends on the level of progress which varies from person to person. However, it is advisable to wear dark glasses outside after cataract surgery for about 6-7 weeks.

  5. Do polarized sunglasses help with cataracts?
  6. Yes, a pair of polarized sunglasses can help you with cataracts, but make sure it is equipped with a dark tint lens. Polarized sunglasses with dark lens tint act as an extra layer of protection to your eyes and help in better recovery.

  7. Can I wear any type of sunglasses after cataract surgery?
  8. It is not advisable to buy any kind of sunglasses after your cataract surgery. First, consult your ophthalmologist and buy as per his suggestions.